In the pro app cleaner mac
In the pro app cleaner mac

in the pro app cleaner mac
  1. In the pro app cleaner mac how to#
  2. In the pro app cleaner mac software#

Then select CoreSync from the list and click Cleanup Selected.Į) (Optional) If you're unable to connect to Adobe's servers, select Fix Host File from the table to repair your host file, and then click Cleanup Selected. The Cleaner tool creates a backup of the host file (named hosts_bkup) in the same directory, which you can revert to if a problem occurs.

in the pro app cleaner mac

Similarly, if you are facing issues with file syncing, you might need to clean up CoreSync. To do this, first ensure that you have selected All in the pop-up menu. (Click Clean All to clean up all installer-related files for the option you chose in step c.) Open Security & Privacy in the System Preferences menu.

In the pro app cleaner mac software#

For example, select CC Apps if you want to uninstall a Creative Cloud app.ĭ) From the table, select the app you want to clean up, and then click Cleanup Selected. Change software settings in your system running macOS in order to use the software.

In the pro app cleaner mac how to#

The Cleaner tool creates a backup of the host file (named hosts_bkup) in the same directory, which you can revert to if a problem occurs.Ī) Select your language from the menu in the upper right.ī) Review the Adobe End-User License Agreement: Click Accept to accept or Quit to decline (if you decline, the script stops).Ĭ) Select an option from the menu in the upper right. How to Uninstall Apps on a Mac Using an App Uninstaller Open a Finder window. Confirm that you want to fix the host file: Type y and then press Enter.

in the pro app cleaner mac

After accepting the End-User License Agreement, type 12 to select the host file option. Then type the number that corresponds to CoreSync and press Enter.Į) Confirm that you want to remove the entry: Type y and then press Enter.į) (Optional) If you're unable to connect to Adobe's servers, repeat these steps to fix your host file. If you are facing issues with file syncing, you might have to remove CoreSync. For example, type 4 (CC Apps) if you want to uninstall a Creative Cloud app.ĭ) Subsequently, to remove an app, select the app that you want to remove by typing the number that corresponds to the app name, and then press Enter. Press Enter.Ĭ) Type the number that corresponds to the option you want to select, and then press Enter. A) Choose your language: Type e for English or jfor Japanese, and then press Enter.ī) Review the Adobe End-User License Agreement: Type y to accept or n to decline (if you decline, the script stops).

In the pro app cleaner mac